Monday, June 13, 2011


I took time for ME... No Laundry, No children, No housework!! I had my hair highlighted and am now sporting a fresh summer do.. ran to TARJAY and bought stuff I LIKE..dashed over to Polished and had a luxurious mani/pedi. then I came home, had a little lunch and watched tv and took a little nappy poo!

Woke up, picked up the girls and now I am back to my chaotic life...that I love. I promised the girls that if they ate Fish stix and Rice and green beans tonight without complaining we could rent a movie, eat popcorn and ice cream and I would polish their toes!! They agreed, after much persuasion of little girly who "likes to eat her MEALS out"! Haha!

Monday, June 6, 2011


this cute middle girly is going to Camp today and I am melancholy :(! I know she will have a great time, make new friends and enjoy the fellowship of this christian camp, but when one of my birdies flies the coop, I welcome the break, but I just don't feel the same!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

YARD SALE spells..

YUCK SALE to me! I loathe and despise having them, but my sweet neighbor who orchestrated our WHOLE Circle to have one made me do it!! Dansko Clogs worn 4 times $5.00 sold! Yikes! Brand new never worn Land's End sneakers I never returned,, $5.00 sold.. I gave things away! The best part of the day.. baby girly thought to have a Lemonade Stand and netted $14.00, which she quickly spent $2.00 on TWO Vera wallets!, and saved the rest for the "snack bar" at the pool so she won't charge it!! Thanks..that's why had the Yard Sale foot that bill!