Monday, September 13, 2010

I refuse to do this on the weekend and now look...

my pile is actually twice this size!! How in the name of heaven does it pile up so quick? I don't mind doing laundry, in fact, I actually like it, but I LOATHE and DESPISE, putting it all away!! Three girls, 14, 10 and 7, you can picture the pile right? Well. back to the grind! Have a great Monday, at least my home will smell Downey fresh.


The wife said...

I completely understand what you are saying!

Anonymous said...

You need to teach your girls the Folding Game!

Kim said...

Hate laundry....maybe I wouldn't so much if the socks would all match up, but really I think that's just an excuse.

We ended up not going to Columbia. I really decided that I could not blow an entire day because we're going to Seattle Fri-Sun for the Nebraska-Washington game. DOTR was going to find a friend, but called them and asked if they had somebody who wanted the tickets and they were thrilled to have them "back"...lots of people were dying for them (they were regents tickets, too). If they'd been having a big tailgate, etc. in the boxcar or something we probably would've gone, but DOTR wanted to watch the Huskers on ppv, so he spent the day with favorite BIL and I stayed home. And woohoo, hate them dang dawgs, so it was definitely a good day.

CRICKET said...

Mine look s like that too!

Carolyn said...


I just found your blog and wanted to leave a comment. I live in Mt. P so I see that you visit often. Your girls are so must be so proud of them.
