Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Wish....

it were cooler and leaves were turning, but here in ol Columbia, SC the temperature will be topping out at, oh, 96 degrees! I , however, still sport remnants of summer color on my cheeks, which is nice, but we NEED a reprieve!


The wife said...

I am ready for Fall, too!

We did the "you can't play with her anymore" bit and we are sticking to it. Not to say it hasn't made things difficult in the 'hood, but after many, many times of Lovebug coming home because the way this child has treated her I just couldn't take it anymore. Bully's mom is so mature that she sent me a nasty text about it and just last weekend had a huge birthday party for bully and invited every child in the neighborhood...except mine. Even went as far as to invite some of Lovebug's bff's from school (she is in a grade ahead of bully) that she barely knows. Undoubtedly, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...


The wife said...

I feel like your neighbor's long lost sister lives in my neighborhood! It is mirror scenarios. I despise drama so I have removed myself from all social gatherings where she may be at and I know the neighbors believe her since she is all up in their faces every chance she gets. But my belief is, I have nothing to prove and if you won't even bother to ask me for my side of the story then I can't be around you at this point in time. Why do people have to be so damn crazy?!?!?!