Wednesday, November 3, 2010

we have been...



Pink, Green, and Southern said...

Bahahaha....This should be interesting.

USCEmily said...

Hahaha.. I have not heard it referred to as such, but that is hilarious. Like P,G, & S said- this should be interesting!! not gonna lie, I am not a fan.

Anonymous said...

That's a funny way to say it!

Jean said...

I was determined Tuesday to get to the polls and vote. I couldn't get there before work, so I thought maybe at lunch. My boss called a meeting during lunch so that left after work. My children and husband were calling at work..."When are you coming home? What's for dinner? What is taking you so long?" I blocked them out, I had to get to the polls. I got there at 5:30; few cars in the parking lot; no long line waiting. This felt good. I had to vote for Sheheen and the polls were ready for me.
I was exhausted after dinner. Could not keep my eyes open to watch the tally.
The dog woke me up at 1:15am for a potty break; for once I was happy to be up. I let her out, grabbed the computer and logged in. The State Newspaper, I couldn't wait to see how many more votes Sheheen got than Haley. ASTONISHMENT! Maybe my eyes were blurry. Let's try WISTV site. OMG!! How could this be? No she couldn't have beaten Sheheen! She talked in sound-bites and she doesn't even work full-time. How can she be our Governor? Oh no. It can't be true.
Two days later. I've tried to ignore Governor-elect Haley stories.
She has been talking to the House and Senate the past two days. She is trying to play nicely and make friends. OKAY!
This is in the hands of the Lord! Please watch over her and guide her. I voted but lost. Please make this a WIN for the people of South Carolina!!:))

just ask beth said...

I will back our newly elect Governor and pray she does right by the citzens of SC!!