Sunday, August 23, 2009

Are you ready...

for some College Football? I cannot wait until Thursday, September 3rd when the mighty GAMECOCKS from South Carolina(ok an exaggeration) take the field!! Football, Friends and Food and maybe a little drinky poo, what more can a girl ask for..
Hubby is going back to Charleston today instead of his usual 6:00 takeoff. i don't blame him, the drive from Columbia to Charleston is majorly BORING and probably makes him groggy and tired all day long. I must say I miss him more and more. My social life has been on the skids since his departure because what red-blooded woman would leave her husband on the weekends when she doesn't see him all week? Maybe me soon, because I am getting ready to snap ola!! My life is going to get hectic this coming week, Oldest girly TENNIS EVERY DAY except FRIDAY jeez thanks Coach, not to mention a Match every week that I MUST attend since she ranked 5th and will most likely play every week(YAY!). Middle girly Dance, Dance and Dance and Baby girly hell I guess freakin soccer so that's every Saturday morning, not to mention CCD every wednesday night. So I am hoping all of this to and from will help with the weight loss and oh yeah, I have tennis practice every Sunday at 4:00pm. DANG!


The wife said...

Good grief that makes me tired just reading it! Hubby is traveling a lot more lately since he has a NEW JOB (insert happy dance and a blog post all on it's on here!!) and with being preggo and all the back to school activities I am starting to feel like one run down old hag!!! Our mantra must be: We will survive!!

Anonymous said...

good luck with your transformation--with all that activity I imagine you'll have some pep in your step!