Monday, May 7, 2012

Jury Duty update..

the only thing I enjoyed today was lunch with a girlfriend from High School..The guy seated to the right of me reeked of cigarettes. The woman seated to the left me was panic stricken they were going to with hold water from her. they called 289 jurors..60 thought they were going to get out of it..only 5! I was NOT chosen praise Jesus but had to call in at 6pm to receive my instructions for tomorrow and was told to report back at 11am! UGH! Seriously, I cannot fathom that some of these citizens are going to chose the fate of the person charged. many people were employed at Lowe's, US Postal service, Ft. Jackson Military base and drumroll..alot were unemployed. I will remember to pack a water bottle that lady to the left was onto something..I was parched! LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I imagine the unemployed have the most time to serve in this capacity...